Tim Fredericks
This music, and these songs, come free to you. I’d simply like feedback. I’ve been writing poetry since I was 10 years old, and songs ever since I realised I couldn’t really play the drums. People have told me that these are contemporary, rhythmic, literate rock songs, performed by an acoustic/electric, multi-instrumentalist singer songwriter. I don’t like to define the music – that’s up to you – but if pushed, I’d say these are songs of an urban romanticism.
The tracks are probably best played loud, since Shaun Lowe’s production is a gift to any artist. He’s the owner of Prism Studio.
Many of these tracks have the deft, tasteful Ian Tatlock also on guitar (on either of his beloved Martin instruments), and occasionally the unique, and moving, Clare Howell on additional vocals.
As a poet, I tend to write in traditional forms, such as sonnets and stanzas of iambic pentameter lines. It’s a very different art from songwriting, but clearly comes to people from the same wellspring.
Album Tracks
Currently there are 20 tracks from the Down in the Middle album that you can download in either WMA or MP3 format, available via the menu on the right.
Also there are four full-band tracks from the Merci Latina album Against The Grain, which you can also download in those formats